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Meet Dr Danie Tran (Chiropractor)

Understanding Chronic Pain

Dr Danie TranWatching her mother suffer with chronic migraines is what led chiropractor Dr Danie Tran into the healthcare field. She grew up with an excellent understanding of how prolonged pain can affect energy levels, mood and sleep, to the point where it destroys a person’s quality of life. She was determined to provide her mother and others with care that would restore their health, so they could live their best and fullest lives.

A Passion to Serve

Dr Danie attended Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, where she earned a Bachelor of Health Sciences and a Master of Clinical Chiropractic. She worked in private practice, as well as in various medical centres in and around Melbourne. She opened Thrive Chiropractic and Wellness in 2017 to provide care in a non-clinical, warm, caring atmosphere, where she could provide patient-centred care.

She has a passion to serve the community by helping people feel and live their best. Providing holistic care that is accessible to everyone is Dr Danie’s mission. To ensure that patients achieve their goals and fully optimise their health, she works collaboratively with other health professionals to offer structured care to ensure outstanding outcomes.

Care Plans that Educate

Dr Danie incorporates education into her care plans, providing patients with techniques they can use to manage their condition, as well as strategies to help prevent future issues. These strategies include movement (exercise), nutrition and stress management techniques. By empowering you to take a proactive approach to your own healthcare, we hope to help you achieve and maintain your highest potential for health.
Our Services

A Family Affair

Dr Danie and our massage therapist, Zephyr Tran, are sisters. They love combining their skills to help restore vitality and improve wellbeing in patients of all ages. We also offer dry needling and cupping.

Book an Appointment Today

Contact us today to schedule your first appointment.


Dr Danie Tran (Chiropractor) | (03) 8087 0555